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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 1 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 2 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 3 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 4 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 5 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 6 幅

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城隍庙,豫园商城 第 7 幅

曝光:Auto exposure  光圈:F3.5  快门:1/15 sec  ISO:100  曝光补偿:0 EV  相机: 柯尼卡美能达 DiMAGE 7i 查看原图

城隍庙,豫园商城 第 8 幅

曝光:Auto exposure  光圈:F2.8  快门:1/30 sec  ISO:100  曝光补偿:0 EV  相机: 柯尼卡美能达 DiMAGE 7i 查看原图

城隍庙,豫园商城 第 9 幅

曝光:Auto exposure  光圈:F2.8  快门:1/6 sec  ISO:100  曝光补偿:0 EV  相机: 柯尼卡美能达 DiMAGE 7i 查看原图

城隍庙,豫园商城 第 10 幅

曝光:Auto exposure  光圈:F3.5  快门:1/15 sec  ISO:100  曝光补偿:0 EV  相机: 柯尼卡美能达 DiMAGE 7i 查看原图

拍摄主题:风光 拍摄地点:城隍庙 上海 拍摄时间:2009-07-26
作品性质:原创 所得票数:5 点击次数:2414

作品概括: 上海城隍庙,可谓名扬天下,与豫园毗邻,又称老城隍庙,是上海道教正一派主要道观之一。位于方浜中路,东至安仁街,北通福佑路,西至旧校场路。
Old City God‘s Temple (Laochenghuangmiao)is a major yet relatively inactive, Taoist temple in Shanghai. It is located in the area south of Yan‘an Road on the Fangbang Zhong Road.
During the Ming Dynasty, Zhangshouyue, the head of Shanghai County, dedicated a temple to the local city god. Since then, the City God‘s Temple has been destroyed several times and the current temple was built in 1926. During the the war of resistance against Japanese invasion during World War II, local merchants built a new City God‘s Temple in the Foreign Concession (between Lianyun Road and West Jinling Road).
That area is now a highrise residence building. The “former“ temple is known as the Old City God‘s Temple. The Old City God‘s Temple and the enclose Yuyuan are not only famous tourist sites but also popular shopping attractions. There are boutiques, shops selling local specialties, as well as large jewelry stores, department stores and fabulous local snack restaurants to be found here.


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